Building an Arcade Cabinet Part 3 - Power, PC, monitor and sound
In this part of the arcade cabinet built we are going to connect the power, put the PC in the cabinet, add the monitor and sound. When this is done the cabinet will be playable! So beware, I don't know when the next part is coming, I might be too busy playing ;)
Written By: Vincent

At the back of the cabinet I wanted two plugs, one for power and one for ethernet. I connected a PC style power plug to a electrical outlet extender trough a electrical box. I 3D printed the holders for the outlet.
After that I inserted the PC and monitor. If you're interested in the specs of the PC:
3rd gen Intel core i7
GTX 780 Graphics card
650W power supply
I also added the audio amp and speakers
After that I was finally able to play some games!